The Ultimate Way to Protect Your Home and Family: 3 Best Shotguns

November 20, 2019 Topic: Security Blog Brand: The Buzz Tags: GunGunsShotgunShotguns

The Ultimate Way to Protect Your Home and Family: 3 Best Shotguns

Looking for a simple way to protect your home and property. These 3 shotguns can do it. 


Key Point: The combat shotgun is the king when it comes to protecting your home from invasion. A tactical shotgun is the first line of defense when a situation calls for serious fire power.

When I’m at home, I feel secure.


Not because of the glass windows that stand between me and the ferocious and unpredictable world outside. Not because of the locks on my doors (that can be picked at will by skillful hands).

Why do I feel secure?

Do I rest easy because I know that I have a portable safe inside of which lie two handguns that are preloaded? No.

Let’s be real, when it comes to home defense, two handguns locked away in a safe aren’t gonna do me (or anyone) much good.

If a hypothetical intruder comes into my home, I won’t have the time to grab my keys, unlock the safe and take the safety off one of my handguns before an intruder is on me.

That won’t do.

Which is why I keep a tactical shotgun inside of a false bottom on my bed board. When it comes to home defense, there is no substitute for the sheer accuracy and power of a shotgun.

Of any household weapon, it offers the most deadly action per trigger pull, all but guaranteeing that a threat will be neutralized.

But that’s not the only reason I prefer a tactical shotgun to other home defense equipment. In the following article, I will break down what a tactical shotgun is, how it works, why I think it trumps most other weapons on the market and how to spot its weaknesses and rectify them.

Additionally, I will discuss my favorite tactical shotguns, and why I think they’re the right shotguns for your home defense needs.


So you might be wondering how a tactical shotgun differs from a traditional huntingshotgun. Well, there are several key differences, particularly the features that a tactical shotgun has that a hunting shotgun doesn’t have.

These include all of the following:

  • Pump or Semi-Automatic Operation: Shotguns come in a wide variety of forms from bolt action or pump action to semi-auto or even lever action. There are single barrel shotguns and double barrel shotguns. Of these disparate versions, only the semi-auto or pump action shotgun are really appropriate for home defense purposes. These are the most expedient forms of operation for a shotgun, delivering the fastest action and, in my opinion, the best results.

  • 18-20-in barrel: This barrel length makes for a shorter weapon, one that is more concealable than others and more ergonomic. A shotgun with an eighteen to twenty-inch barrel is also easily maneuverable when used indoors or in other confined spaces. 18 is the shortest legal barrel for a shotgun if you don’t have a tax stamp and/or federal registration. I’ll go into this further down below.

  • Sling Mounts: A sling enables the user to attach the weapon to their body which comes in handy if you need to free up your hands for a little ass whoopin’. If you’re in a home defense situation where you need to get your family to safety, you’re gonna need your hands to perform other tasks besides pulling the trigger. It’s in this kind of scenario that a sling mount proves out to be of paramount importance.

  • 12 or 20 gauge caliber: 12 gauge is the gold standard when it comes to shotgun caliber, particularly if you are using a semi-auto tactical shotgun. It is, by far, the most powerful I’ve encountered and might be your best option. That being said, it does make your shotgun heavier which can be cumbersome, especially with the intense recoil it delivers. For those looking for something a bit lighter but fairly potent, the 20 gauge is a good option.

  • A Decent Set o’ Sights: The majority of shotguns come with a tiny bead at the end of the barrel(s) that serves as a built-in sight. While this can be adequate in controlled situations, and for basic function, but if you want to get the most out of a shotgun, especially in a home defense scenario, it is helpful to have a front and rear sight. For even better accuracy, can also get yourself a red dot.

  • Shell Size: Shotgun shells are pretty damn big which is why shotguns are fairly limited in their capacity. 4+1 shells are effective in most cases, but something closer to 7+1 will make a real difference, giving you home field advantage as it were.

  • Stock: If you’re using your shotgun for any kind of combat, a stock is a must. A lot of people like a pistol grip because it gives the gun a groovy look, but I prefer a shoulder stock. It can make for more accurate shooting and handles better in my experience.


Why do I prefer a shotgun for home defense purposes?

It’s really quite simple: diversity.

I can fire any number of projectiles whereas a handgun can only fire standard bullets or hollow points. A shotgun, on the other hand, can be loaded with birdshot, buckshot or solid slugs.

Difference situations call for different measures and I, for one, can’t tell you how convenient it’s been to spray scavengers and other pests with birdshot when I catch them messing with my crops or marking my territory.

When I go hunting, I always take buckshot with me. Like birdshot, each load is filled with pellets but these pellets are larger which makes them ideal for bagging some large game, all but guaranteeing that I’m gonna come back to the fire with meat for days.

And, of course, when it comes to home defense, it’s this dude’s opinion that you can’t really go wrong with slugs. They’re generally more powerful than other projectiles and more solid.

These were the babies I had preloaded in my Remington 870 when Hurricane Sandy struck and we were all plunged into a situation that was straight out of a horror movie.

The power was out for nearly two months on my block, and Neighborhood Watch was in a panic. People were looting, posing as utility workers for the purpose of home invasions – and the rest of us were scared.

Most of us anyway. But not my family.

We had a generator chained up to two cinderblocks in our garage with extension cords running into the house through a crack in our back door. The door was secured with a piece of wood, something that kept it from budging but not for long if someone were to try and break in.

That’s why I had my Remington at the ready. During the night, my brother and I heard the chain on the generator rattle. I sprang up and ran down the stairs, yanked the wood out from behind the door and trained the barrel of that Remi on the darkness of our backyard.

The sound of the rattling ceased and all I could hear were the soles of someone’s shoes padding frantically into the distance and then…nothing. Silence. Crisis and crime averted. Our generator was safe and so were we.


When we talk about a tactical shotgun, we’re talking about one thing and one thing only: Eliminating the threat.

This is why you should always be fully loaded and ready for action. Slugs or buckshot are the only options I consider appropriate for defensive measures.

Choosing your ammo should be no problem, as nearly all major ammunition companies offer a defensive ammo for shotguns. And while shotgun ammo can be somewhat expensive in terms of per round price point, there are affordable options on the marketif you’re willing to do your research.

What’s important to remember is that you can’t put a price on good ammunition (that’s the manufacturer’s job). Quality ammo is more effective than sub-par product. Period.

If you’re shopping on a budget, sites like specialize in cheap bulk shotgun ammo, but some people like to buy their ammunition from more established retailers like Midway USA.

Personally, I like to use Brownells to search for current ammunition deals, which they run often. It can be a good resource for finding affordable ammunition in bulk.

Tip: do a Google search for “Brownells coupon”, as they regularly put out new coupons on social media.


Price points range wildly across brands and types of ammunition. My favorite home defense ammo has gotta be Winchester PDX1 12 Defender. It causes a bit more recoil than other ammo, but it makes for a heavier load. It fires three plated buck pellets followed by a rifled slug.

If I’m using a 12-gauge shotgun, I’m using the Defender. When you’re talkin’ bang for your buck, this one has got it as far as I’m concerned.

You can learn more about Winchester PDX1 12 as well as other home defense ammunition in this informative YouTube clip: