What Happened When Melania Trump Got Booed in Baltimore?

U.S. first lady Melania Trump arrives to speak at a youth summit on opioid awareness at the UMBC Event Center in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S., November 26, 2019. REUTERS/Erin Scott
November 27, 2019 Topic: Politics Region: Americas Blog Brand: The Buzz Tags: Melania TrumpBaltimoreOpioidsWar On DrugsEducation

What Happened When Melania Trump Got Booed in Baltimore?

The First Lady kept her cool.


First lady Melania Trump took the high road in response to getting booed in Baltimore on Tuesday, saying that “everyone is entitled to their opinion.”

The first lady was booed as she spoke Tuesday at the B’More Youth Summit at the University of Maryland in Baltimore, a summit intended to promote healthy attitudes and help children understand the dangers of opioid abuse, as part of the her “Be Best” campaign.


“Thank you to all of the students who are here. I am so proud of you for the bravery it takes to share that you have been strongly affected by the opioid epidemic in some way,” Trump said. The crowd greeted the first lady with boos as she was speaking.

When asked to respond to the boos, the first lady emphasized her commitment to combating the opioid crisis.

“We live in a democracy and everyone is entitled to their opinion,” she said in a statement to the New York Times. “I remain committed to educating children on the dangers and deadly consequences of drug abuse.”

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Image: Reuters.