President John Bolton

September 13, 2010 Topic: Elections Region: United States Blog Brand: Jacob Heilbrunn

President John Bolton

Proof that, yes, every little boy and girl can aspire to the presidency.

Dictators everywhere must be trembling. Questioned on Fox News about whether he might run for the presidency, John Bolton replied "I am thinking about it because I think legitimate issues of national security should be more at the center of the national debate than they have been for the last two years."

How cool is that? I am thinking about what Bolton said because I think it would truly be a victory for American democracy if he ran, another sign that, yes, every little boy and girl can aspire to the presidency. Anyway, Bolton, a protege of James Baker, does have more government experience than Sarah Palin. Plus he essentially got Bush elected president in Florida in 2000. Why shouldn't he have a go at it?

The Bolton buzz appears to have begun with National Review's Jay Nordlinger. Passengers on NR's annual cruise were apparently quite taken with Bolton. They know that for Bolton surrender has never been an option. My own vote would be for a Palin/Bolton ticket. He could play Cheney to her Bush. Like Cheney, Bolton is fond of glowering, but maybe the floppy moustache would have to go.